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Supporting Behaviour

The adults role; what can we do?


  • Support children in developing positive relationships by challenging negative comments and actions towards either peers or adults

  • Use the child’s name. This helps to gain focus.

  • Use body language. Ensure your body language is not threatening. No child should feel threatened.

  • Examples of negative methods would be pointing/ waving fingers at the child, not getting to the child’s level and standing above them, using aggression/ temper in tone, using physical contact to gain a child’s attention in the form of wrist holding.

  • Demonstrate clear and consistent boundaries and reasonable yet challenging expectations

  • Help children to recognise when their actions hurt others. Be wary of expecting children to say ‘sorry’ before they have a real understanding of what this means. Insisting the word is used may result in your child using this to as a method of avoiding discussion which will help their understanding of the reasons why you are correcting certain behaviours

  • Name and talk about a wide range of feelings and make it clear that all feelings are understandable and acceptable, including feeling angry, but that not all behaviours are.

  • Model how you label and manage your own feelings, e.g. ‘I’m feeling a bit angry and I need to calm down, so I’m

going to…’

  • Be alert to injustices and let siblings see that they are addressed and resolved.

  • Affirm and praise positive behaviour, explaining that it makes children and adults feel happier.

  • Encourage children to think about issues from the viewpoint of others.

  • Ensure that children have opportunities to identify and discuss boundaries, so that they understand why they are there and what they are intended to achieve

  • Model being fair, e.g. when choosing children for special jobs.

  • Ask children for their ideas on what might make people feel better when they are sad or cross.

  • Talk about fair and unfair situations, children’s feelings about fairness, and how we can make things fair.

  • Most importantly. We as adults  are responsible for demonstrating and supporting our own house and setting rules.

  • Use resources and teaching. Children do not automatically know how to behave it is your role to teach them.

  • Our role is to support behaviour not manage behaviour. Early intervention is necessary.

The Environment; What can you provide to help promote positive Behaviour.


  •  Set, explain and maintain clear, reasonable and consistent limits so that children can feel safe and secure in their play and other activities.

  • Use pictures or consistent gestures to show children with SEN the expected behaviours.

  • Make time to listen to children respectfully and kindly, and explain to all the children why this is important. Children will then know that they will be listened to when they raise injustices.

  • Provide a safe space for children to calm down or when they need to be quiet.

  • Provide books with stories about characters that follow or break rules, and the effects of their behaviour on others. Use these examples when challenging behaviour





....More to follow soon...








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